As the year draws closer to an end so does the end of all our BIM related speaking events. I was lucky enough to speak at BIM Show live and RTC Europe this year and although both were successful and discussed our current integration with IFC and BIM, this time I chose to discuss and speak about a different topic - Reality Capture.
We all are aware this is a hot topic and one that aligns to the development at Autodesk and in general in the Construction Industry globally. The aim for this class, and similar to the class I presented with Angel Velez regarding IFC, was to offer realistic and current scanning workflow integration for Architects and Designers. As this was both a technical and practical offering again I wanted to present with a BIM friend who came from a Surveying and advanced scanning background - who else was there other than Matt McCarter (aka @oatfedgoat).
I am very excited about presenting this year at Autodesk University as it is my second speaking engagement at the event, yet my first in the main conference which is terrifying and exciting at the same time. Last year I spoke with my BIM2050 friends, Neil Thompson and Rachael Atkinson discussing our work with the BIM Task Group and influencing the future of our industry. It was a great class and also helped us to integrate with the Education community at Autodesk.
This year the class we are presenting will discuss current Surveying practice and integrated workflows with Laser Scanning but also how we as architects need to use the information to deliver our services and work more effectively with existing conditions and building projects. It will discuss our experiences with scanning data, technical information requirements when commissioning scan data and practical solutions to using the information successfully. We are excited to be presenting at AU, not only because we represent the UK BIM community but also because it allows us to share our knowledge and work toward educating the BIM capabilities of industry internationally.
I have also orchestrated another Women in BIM event this year which will draw in some heavy weights in the BIM community as well as provide a platform for women in all industries with a technical focus to share ideas and discuss how we can adequately continue to aid the numbers of women in senior roles in Construction. This is still a prevalent issue in Construction and one in which cannot be ignored, therefore we do hope that this event does enable a discussion and promote young women to be involved in Construction. I will be looking at promoting and integrating these types of discussions back in the UK in 2015 so please do follow both @becdecicco and @WomeninBIM for updates.
On that note I look forward to seeing everyone in Las Vegas and good luck to all my UK and international BIM colleagues on their presentations too!
See you in LV!