It has come to my attention this past twelve months that the most visible issue for the construction issue today is the consistency in process. Why are we all trying to reinvent the wheel?
For me this is a bigger issue. It's more about the culture of how we work, how we live and how we have evolved in a particular pocket of the world.
A few tweets this week have sparked the fact the creation of this blog. As Digital Node our aim is to support clients all over the world, but what we are seeing is a lack of acknowledgment by these clients to look outward if where their organisation reside. Out of the UK, the US, Australia. Even a disjointed approach within an individual country with offices in different states!
How do we resolve this?
Simply impossible. I'm not saying we need to create unique offerings to each region. Rather support an organisation where they require and under what framework they require it.
What we do need to do is start to eduacate- not only in the way BIM can support greater productivity but educate in how the Construction industry can provide an opportunity for young people to be able to work anywhere in the world.